Monday, May 9, 2011

Glamour's "Tell Somebody" Campaign

This is an interesting article I read in the May issue of Glamour magazine. I think it does a decent job of coaching young women on how to support their friends who may be experiencing dating violence. I'll be curious to hear your thoughts too.

One thing I really struggle with is how effective a message like this can be in a magazine so focused on a very narrow image of women...It's something to ponder, for sure.


1 comment:

  1. thanks for the post Abby. I felt like the article did a good job too giving very powerful examples of relationship violence. I always feel a bit concerned thou, because not everyone experiences extreme physical violence like these women in the article. I wish they had talked more about the power dynamics and issue of control. I liked that they gave some tips on how family & friends can help as most survivors go to the people they know first, not DV hotline. although they said to remain non-judgmental and supportive, some of the comments they listed there seemed pretty judgmental. but it was also interesting to see how survivors seemed to have responded very well to those comments. perhaps due to different relationships they have with those folks than us advocates.
