Monday, September 26, 2011

Have I changed somehow?

Sort of funny story from this weekend.

My sister and I were celebrating our birthdays together on Saturday. She turned 25 on the 18th and I turn 30 on the 2nd. While she and I were sitting at lunch with our mom, my phone rang. It was my older brother calling so I answered because he never calls. He asks, "You like the Steelers, right?" To which I reply, "well...I'm not a huge sports fan." He then starts complaining about how he doesn't know what to get me for my birthday. Awkward. Not a big deal, though. So, I hand the phone over to my sister so she can maybe tell him what to get me. She tells him I like gauzy scarves- in fall colors. It's true, I do. Later that night the whole fam is sitting in the living room as Molly and I open presents. It comes to Cy's gift for me and I begin to open it when he says, "I told the store clerk that I had no idea what to get a 30 year old lesbian who likes summer scarves in fall colors. She didn't want anything to do with me. I hope you like this." Of course I laughed really hard because he's such a dork. Later, though, it started to kind of get under my skin, what he said. He didn't know what to get a 30 year old lesbian...

The truth is that I'm the same person as I was before. I'm still Abby, his dorky sister for 29 years, 11 months and 23 days now. He's always known before what I like and what will make me happy and what will piss me off. Why does he think I've changed now that my partner is a woman? Yeah, maybe he's just giving me a hard time, but like I always am, I feel kind of whiny about it. It struck a nerve- just like he intended, I'm sure. That's what big brothers are for, I guess- at least Cyrus. I know that about him!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

RIP Troy Davis

My heart is so heavy for Troy Davis' family. The Supreme Court could have stayed his execution. They should have. Instead they basically lynched him. Why? Because he's like any other black man in America out on the streets at night when they should know better, right? Reminds me of a Citizen Cope song that I think says it better than I can:

You're walking down the street
You've got this white Chevy Lumina undercover
Checking you to see
They're checking your I.D.
'Cause it's a fine time
Say just to run a name
'Cause you look the same
As the dude with the rebel in his veins
But while you're checking me
You've got them crooked politicians
Eating up the treasury
And taking our cash
To spend on the prisons
While the youth they fast
Now I'm waiting on the day
When we can all bring
Like Martin Luther King
This is why I sing
I want some contact 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Glorified Battering Images?